You Have Yours ____ I Have MINE



First off I'd like to THANK YOU for visiting my website.  Its not popular, but it gets around fine.
I'd also like to WARN you now, there might be pictures containning blood, and other disturbing footage.  So if you don't like BLOOD I'd advise you not to look around this website.

After saying that I want you to know that I didnt make this website to show off blood.
This website is for me to show friends & family what me and my family and friends do, and what we get. 

Also, I'd like to say animals that we do take are not wasted in any form.  WE are not poachers, or illegal hunters.  This is all done in season of the animal.  It wouldn't look good on my behalf if I showed a  picture with the date and an animal out of the season.  If you have any complants or suggestions you can contact me by email;

[email protected]
[email protected]

GWH- People have asked me what this ment.  My grandpa gave me this nickname along time ago when I was young.  After coming home from my first moose hunting trip, when I was 11 years old.  He's called me the " Great White Hunter."


Feel free to look around my photo gallery.  Hopefully I can purchase a better website and get some VIDEOS on here.

Most recent photos will be from the 2009 Turkey Spring HUNT

If your a hunter... BE SAFE!!!
And don't drink & HUNT or DRINK and DRIVE!

Im Ryan Hickey and Im the creator of this site.